振興(Jet-Shine) 機械股份有限公司成立於1978 年,成立之初以精密的機械加工為主軸,然而公司在後續經營過程中逐漸感受到整合供應鏈的需求,便一步一步朝著這樣的方向前進。經過多年的發展我們整合了鑄造、冷作、鍛造、熱處理、機械加工、後製( 鉗工) 處理、塗裝、機構組裝等製程,並已實現了沖床/ 折床等機械設備之機構組件生產及組裝、GIS 相關外殼及導體之完整產線、隧道工程使用之鑄鐵環片生產、風電機組結構工件等等之產品開發及量產。



Established in 1978, Jet-Shine Machinery Co., Ltd. focused on the precession machining in the beginning and moved onto the direction of supply chain integration step-by-step as our company gradually noticed such demand during the follow-up business operation. After several years of development, we had integrated casting, cold work, forging, heat treatment, machining, post treatment (bench-work), coating, mechanical assembly and other processes, and realized the production and assembly of mechanical parts of punch, bending machine and other mechanical equipments as well as a complete production line for GIS related housings and conductors, the manufacturing of cast iron ring for tunnel construction and wind-mill structural parts, and the product development and mass production of other products.

In order to provide superior services, we determinedly invested an aluminum casting production line and keep improving in the precision machining of small and medium size fields, from which we realized the process and control ability in aerospace and automobile industry.

Through our vertically integrated platform, just by placing an order the product is manufactured, which not only simplifies your procurement process, but also adds our industrial value. This is what we expect for our goals.

振興(Jet-Shine) 機械股份有限公司は1978 年に設立された。設立当初は精密な機械加工を主軸としたが、後続経営過程でサプライチェイン統合のニーズを徐々に感じ、一歩ずつこのような方向へと前進した。

数年の発展を経て、弊社は鋳造、冷間作業、鍛造、熱処理、機械加工、後処理( ベンチ)、塗装、機構組み立て等製造工程を統合し、プレス/ベンディング等の機械設備の機械構造生産及び組み立て、GIS 関連ハウジング及び導体の完全生産ライン、トンネル工程で使用する鋳鉄リング生産、ウィンドミル構造パーツ等の製品の開発及び量産を実現した。

